5 smart internet marketing tools to boost your website traffic

Internet Marketing Tools

It is true to know that doing internet marketing is kind of exhaustive, especially with conventional ways. Let’s shift your internet marketing to some internet marketing tool which not only will help you increase your pace but also help you achieve your traffic goal.

These tools are not very well known but what makes them different is the ability to do your internet marketing tasks as desired. This is the reason that these tools are being chosen to help you in your day to day internet marketing.

Internet Marketing Tool # 1 | MeetEdgar

Social sharing is very important in every effort you put in internet marketing. It is important for your audience to know what next you have created to help them out in their day to day tasks. It is the social media sharing which let people connect with the brands. You would have heard and used Buffer and Hootsuite for social sharing. Today I like to introduce MeetEdgar as the first internet marketing tool. This is also a social sharing tool with a slight difference from Buffer and Hootsuite. Like the competitors, you can schedule your tweets and other content using the MeetEdgar. Here comes the point which makes it different from its competitors, it will keep sharing the same content over time. Now, this is exactly what Guy Kawasaki does on social media marketing. Sounds interesting?

Internet Marketing Tool # 2 | Subscribers

Nowadays it is very common to find different types of notifications in your browsers saying, check out this site, check out this blog post, hey, your friend(s) have a birthday today on Facebook, someone group you subscribed to have shared the new video on YouTube, etc.etc. In software development terms it is called push notifications. The sole purpose of these notifications is to recall your memory that you have subscribed with one of these websites or social media groups. You can do it for your website or blog using Subscribers, an internet marketing tool, as right now it is 100% free. If you use the tool it will help you get your subscribers back to your website which will ultimately help you increase your traffic. These notifications keep the relationship between audience and brand live.

Internet Marketing Tool # 3 | Ubersuggest

Keyword research was, is and will remain the core of the internet marketing. It is the keyword which let you connect with the query your audience is putting to search engine to help. When it collects keyword, today, it is not a simple search term, but it has been transformed to phrases as well. Since search engines have been smart enough, internet marketers should also be on the same track of thought. There is SEMRush, MOZ, Ahrefs, but Ubersuggest is a different internet marekting tool as it collects all the best features of the said tools and combines them under one umbrella. It will tell you more recommendations on phrases to help you create content to get you rank higher.

Internet Marketing Tool # 4 | Canva

Graphics are the most important type of content in internet marketing today. Finding a picture is not an issue on the internet but to craft it to make it a representative is an art. Canva has solved the issue for internet marketers. You can find a lot of free graphics which you can easily design using the available templates. This tool will help you increase your position in the image search and ultimately increase your traffic.

Internet Marketing Tool # 5 | LeadQuizzes

Engagement is an important factor to decrease Bounce Rate. Google likes the website which has good Bounce Rate. There are different strategies to decrease the bounce rate of your website. One good way is to engage your audience smartly and offer them the quiz to win some benefits. LeadQuizzes is another smart internet marketing tools which help you decrease your bounce rate. Do you have a weight loss site? Let’s engage your audience with a quiz on how to lose weight. You will be so excited to see the stats after having this quiz live.

There is a huge list of internet marketing tools which can help you in your daily SEO tasks. These tools will keep being sharing with our audience to let you boost your internet marketing efforts to increase your website traffic. What tool do you use most in your internet marketing efforts? Do share to help us and our audience.