Blogger Outreach Service for Bolstering Your SEO: Get Noticed by Well-Respected Industry Bloggers

Blogger Outreach Campaign management

Over the years, blogger outreach services have proven sustainable in boosting the online presence of many brands across the web. You still need convincing, right? Picture this: You spend hours working on a single masterpiece of shareable content. The kind of content you are sure Google and other search engines will fall in love with; unique, thoroughly researched, compelling visuals, you name it. After hours of hard work, you publish your content and wait for backlinks to flood in; but they don’t.

The truth is, while such content is poised to attract some organic traffic, it may fail to generate the much-needed backlinks to your site because you have failed in one crucial aspect; blogger outreach.

You see, SEO strategies such as mutual link building and social shares are usually spontaneous, and blogger outreach campaigns are not in any way different.

An effective blogger outreach campaign combined with killer content is one of the ways you can get noticed in the ever-competitive digital marketing world. A well-thought blogger outreach campaign will help market your brand directly to your target audience, particularly when launching a new product or when rebranding.

Once you trust Outreach Bee with your blogger outreach campaign, you are sure to achieve three things:

Get referral traffic on your website from bloggers' social media channels

Grow your network

Forge mutual link-building relationships with high-authority bloggers in your niche

What is Blogger Outreach: A Brief Overview

Blogger outreach is a form of digital marketing that involves approaching well-known and relevant bloggers/influencers in your industry and enquiring them about link placements on their blogs in a bid to promote your products and services. Here, you’ll be collaborating with them to produce content that is relevant to their audience and, at the same time, related to your business and include a non-promotional backlink in that content.

For the most part, this strategy imitates traditional PR, except that, in blogger outreach campaigns, you will be dealing with individual bloggers/influencers instead of news outlets.

In essence, you will be contacting prospective bloggers via email, social media, phone, etc., for strategic communication on how both parties can achieve their goals and possibly build a long-term mutual relationship. Once the relationship is established, you will be leveraging the blogger’s influence to generate traffic to your site.

Some of the specific goals you will be looking to achieve with a blogger outreach campaign include;

Content marketing and search engine optimization, including new backlinks acquisition, new content promotion, and accessing guest posting opportunities.

Building mutual relationships with key bloggers/influencers in your niche.

Products and services promotion to a broader audience.

Fostering these relationships is not easy. Among the challenges you will face include identifying bloggers that are actually beneficial to you and knowing what to ask of them. Furthermore, it is a consistent effort that takes time to work wonders.

Doing thorough research on prospective websites is very critical before contacting bloggers for link placements. As such, you need SEO (Search Engine Optimization) metrics to help you measure their performance in terms of organic traffic and search engine rankings. That way, you will be able to determine how well a site’s SEO strategy is in helping you drive the organic traffic you need.

You’ll start by looking at its organic traffic, which refers to the number of visitors it receives in a specific period, say monthly or annually. You also need to evaluate your prospective bloggers’ keyword rankings by looking at their SERPs (search engine results pages) positions for specific keywords. Last but not least, you must evaluate their backlinks. Have the bloggers used dubious methods to acquire backlinks? What are their trust flow and citation flow scores? Those are just a few SEO metrics you must consider in your blogger outreach campaigns.

In that case, wouldn’t it be great from both a human resources and marketing perspective if you could come up with some campaign objectives and then turn the whole thing over to a team of seasoned blogger outreach pros who could do the dirty work for you and report back with the results? Luckily, this is our forte.

How Do You Know You Need Blogger Outreach Services?

It’s simple! Are you offering a product or service that bloggers are willing to be part of? Of course, you do. That’s the reason you are still in business in the first place. Regardless of the industry, there is always a blogger who will find your product intriguing.

Blogger outreach is beyond travel, fashion, and food. There are a variety of bloggers out there, including financial, iGaming, technology, etc, who can resonate with your product or service.

The best part is that there are different types of blogger outreach strategies that can help you promote your product or service on another site despite being in a different niche. In that case, Outreach Bee guarantees editorial-style non-promotional backlinks from within the flow of an impartial blog-post placement to signal search engines that you are an authority site.

Therefore, instead of a formal review, your product or service is featured in a post on a broader topic. For example, let’s say you are in the suitcase industry; a travel blogger may casually mention that they used your suitcase when traveling to Ireland.

So, if you think bloggers wouldn’t resonate with your product, you need to reconsider your thoughts. You just need to find an authority and relevant blogger willing to place your link on their page.

Outreach Bee: Real Blogger Outreach Services that Delivers Results

Blogger Outreach Services

Are you struggling to get noticed in a competitive market?

Maybe you’re in a niche that’s so esoteric, you don’t think there’s a way to get your name out there beyond highly specialized and extremely expensive print publications?

Or maybe you’ve tried to reach out to a few bloggers you found and learned the hard way that it can be a huge waste of time to take the trial-and-error approach to blogger outreach?

Considering that the industry is still new, the truth is working with bloggers can be overwhelming sometimes. Most of the bloggers are quite young, which can make it hard to work with them. Besides, acquiring a new audience is more expensive compared to retaining the existing ones.

But there is hope. You see, blogger outreach services give you a chance to borrow the trust of relevant bloggers in your industry. Here, you’ll need a reliable blogger outreach agency capable of manually securing natural white hat links from authority sites in your niche to fetch your brand effective SERP results.

Blogger outreach has long been proven to be an effective way to spread the word about your brand across the web. But as word of this effectiveness spreads and bloggers are increasingly bombarded by solicitations, they’ve become much pickier about what they will and won’t accept – that is, if you can get ahold of them in the first place. Fortunately, there’s a way you can take advantage of the SEO and social media benefits of blogger outreach without getting bogged down in the day-to-day back and forth.

No matter your niche, that’s exactly what you’re getting with Blogger Outreach from The Outreach Bee. Here are our core services;

1. Manual Blogger Outreach Approach

We identify bloggers with thousands of followers who are capable of fetching the much-needed organic traffic for your brand. We refrain from automating the outreach process because we understand that individuals tend to resonate more with personalized messages compared to generic ones.

Of course, we vet them thoroughly to ensure they are relevant to our clients’ niches. In essence, we will be asking their permission to help your brand tap into their organic traffic, ensuring you gain exposure by acquiring a wider and more relevant audience visiting your site.

The best part of working with bloggers is that, despite having a huge social media following, most of them have multiple social media outlets, including Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, etc., making them powerful entities in the digital marketing world.

2. Guest Posting

Sometimes, the blogger will write the post regarding your product or service themselves; other times, they’ll actually want you to write the content. This is called “guest posting,” and it in itself is another link-building strategy that can bear fruit. No matter what the blogger would prefer, we can handle it. In the case that they want you to write the post, and you’re not comfortable or don’t have the resources to do so, we’re happy to employ our killer content writers to come up with something that pushes all the right buttons.

Regardless of who writes the content – be it us or the blogger – we’ll make sure you have ample opportunity to review it and request changes. Of course, you’ll have the ultimate say-so as to whether or not the post actually gets published.

What to Expect from Us

Contact with several high-authority bloggers in your industry.

Opportunity to choose the blogger you would like to work with.

Review and approval of the terms of each posting.

Ability to comment upon, accept or reject each post.

Social media saturation of each post.

Noticeable uptick in direct prequalified, enthusiastic traffic from the blogger's site straight to a page on your sales path;

Rise in your search engine ranking as backlinks are added to bloggers with high domain authority.

A full white label report on the campaign and its impact.

Problems You'll Avoid By Letting Us Manage Your Blogger Outreach Campaign

Spending days scouring the web for appropriate bloggers.

Lots of hurry up and wait as you try to establish your relationship.

Constant back and forth as you try to get the content just right.

Continual uncertainty as to when the post will actually be published.

Playing a guessing game to estimate the campaign's impact on your site and your bottom line.

Paying a lot money for SEO tools .

When you work with the Outreach Bee blogger outreach professionals, you can expect a smooth campaign that hardly requires your attention as it proceeds towards achieving our agreed goal.

Above all, we’re here to help you profit from the power of blogger outreach without the snafus that can crop up and cause no end of headaches.

Why Work with Outreach Bee

Over the more than 15 years I’ve been in the digital marketing business, I’ve cultivated relationships with a bewildering array of bloggers across the spectrum in both the B2B and B2C spaces. If they haven’t heard of me, the odds are that someone they know has. Because of this, I’m able to reach out to bloggers and actually receive a positive response in short order.

Our team of experienced professionals focuses on real manual outreach to fetch relevant and long-lasting links capable of driving organic traffic and boost your SERPs. The benefits of working with us include:

Genuine white-label blogger outreach campaign.

Do follow quality links.

In content links.

Full transparency.

No duplication.

High-domain authority sites.

Right SEO analytic tools

The result is a powerful combination of social media postings that bring attention to your brand as well as the blog post itself, which creates a quality backlink to your site. Meanwhile, the blogger has discovered something new and cool.

That’s a win-win for all involved, and it’s the way I like to do business here at Outreach Bee.

Our A Step-By-Step Blogger Outreach Process

Here is the process we’ll follow to help you join the ranks of authority bloggers in your industry:

1. Give us your blogger outreach campaign goals

Once you get in touch, we’ll review your campaign requirements to see how we can meet them. Here, you will be telling us;

The specific niche you'd like to focus on.

Your target audience.

The geographical location you'd like us to target.

SEO metrics requirements such as trust flow, domain authority, citation flow, domain rating, organic traffic, etc.

2. Blogger Outreach and Follow up

After the timing and budget are agreed upon, we’ll let you focus on other things as we scour our rich network of leading bloggers and influencers to find the ones that align with your goals. At this stage, we use tools such as Majestic, Moz Pro, Semsrush, and Ahrefs to ensure prospective bloggers have what it takes to boost your rankings. This includes SEO metrics like keyword ranking, domain authority (DA), the amount of organic traffic from your target country, Trust Flow, spam score, and more.

3. Building Relationships

The next step will be for the team leader to double-check the prospective bloggers before shortlisting them for your approval. Once you identify the blogger you want to pursue, we’ll manually outreach them to ensure we get positive feedback and build a strong mutual relationship in the end. The strategy here is simple! We’ll find their contacts and craft personalized messages to ensure they accept our link placement.

We are a transparent blogger outreach agency that helps our clients negotiate the terms with prospective bloggers, after which we give them a list of sites along with the rates so they can know how much they’ll be paying for each site.

4. Creating the Content

Here, you’ll provide us with anchor texts plus the target URLs for the sites in your list. Our remarkable team of copywriters will use the information to craft quality and relevant content that resonates with both your target audience and that of blog owners. We’ll also seamlessly include a natural in-content link to your blogging partners—everyone will be happy.

5. Content Publication

Here, we will need you to approve the created content before sending it for publication. In most cases, bloggers request payments at this stage before publishing the content; we pay them and wait for the content to appear on their websites.

Once it appears, we will examine the campaign’s performance with you to decide on the next move, whether it’s giving the current campaign time to settle or immediately starting a new blogger outreach campaign.

6. Reporting

We are a data-driven blogger outreach agency; we compile comprehensive branded reports for companies as well as white-label reports for PR and SEO agencies. From the report, you will be able to see the performance of each blogger outreach link and how it is performing, including SEO metrics like domain authority, keyword usage, in-content links, anchor text, and URL. You will also be able to export an unbranded CSV for your clients.

Finally, we’ll compile the invoice and wait for the payment, and at the same time, prepare for the next campaign.

Let the Best Transparent SEO Agency Handle Your Blogger Outreach Campaign

In the cut-throat world of search engine optimization, you need a blogger outreach specialist with the resources to deliver measurable results for your brand and boost your online presence in the end. At Outreach Bee, we pride ourselves as the cost-effective SEO outreach agency for SEO agencies, individual brands, digital marketers, and PR agencies.

When you work with the Outreach Bee blogger outreach professionals, you can expect a smooth campaign that hardly requires your attention as it proceeds towards achieving our agreed goal.

Above all, we’re here to help you profit from the power of blogger outreach without the snafus that can crop up and cause no end of headaches.

Contact me today, and let’s see how our blogger outreach services can bolster your SEO to increase your online presence. No commitments and no risks! Just a little bit of your time.