Outreach Campaign Management Services

Outreach marketing is by far the most sustainable and effective way brands can meet various goals in today’s digital marketing landscape. If well executed, this strategy will help your business generate more revenue from search, while saving you a lot of time.

The hard truth is that websites that aren’t appearing on the first page of search results miss out on a great deal of potential traffic. Therefore, you need to partner with your industry influencers to generate organic traffic and succeed in this business.

From the initial scoping to the post-campaign analysis to ongoing blogger relationship management, Outreach Bee is your partner in every aspect of your outreach campaign.

About Outreach Bee

Outreach Bee is a cutting-edge manual outreach campaign management service established in 2016 with one goal; helping businesses boost their online presence through ethical SEO tactics in order to drive more revenue in the long run. We are a team of highly-trained digital marketers from diverse backgrounds committed to your success.

This combined with well-thought strategies and the industry’s best SEO tools, we are able to deliver the best outreach campaigns based on your goals and needs. From directly managing campaigns for digital marketers to PR/SEO agencies to individual brands (big and small), we are the professionals you want outreaching your industry’s influencers in order to maximize your ROI.

You can tell us apart from typical SEO agencies (Jacks of all trades, but masters of none) because we focus on quality link building services only. Here, we employ a range of tactics and best practices to acquire backlinks, helping search engines like Google to determine your site’s relevance when ranking it in search results.

Why Us?

For our clients, Outreach Bee is more than just a workplace; they are our business partners. We believe in building a positive working environment for everyone involved, and as a result, we are utterly transparent to our clients since we respect their bottom lines.

By partnering with us, you can rest assured that you’ll be involved in every step of our campaign management; from planning to execution to reporting.For all these years Outreach Bee has existed, I have managed to cultivate strong relationships with bloggers and influencers in various industries who can broaden your online visibility through organic traffic. I can reach up a high number bloggers globally in nearly all categories, any DA and with broad social networking influence.

It’s worth noting that all our campaigns are manually performed, and we avoid all practices that can affect your indexing or cause damage to your site. So expect nothing short of white-hat link-building tactics to bolster your SEO. No PBS, no link farms; just natural link building at work.

Our Services

Since venturing into this business in 2004, I’ve learned that, while each channel is important in its own way, they deliver monumental results when strategically implemented alongside each other.

In this regard, we are a one-stop shop for manual outreach campaigns with the resources to flesh out your campaign goals. Whether you are looking for result-oriented marketing tactics, exposure, bespoke content, expert advice, an authentic audience, customizable reports, personalized campaigns, or quick and long-lasting results, we are well-positioned to help you achieve your goals.

Our main services include;

Manual Outreach Link Building

Manual link building from Outreach Bee

In this day and age, link building is predominantly based on quality rather than quantity. The best way to get this quality is with the help of a manual link building agency. In doing this, you’ll be avoiding the risks associated with automated link building, such as spamming your website and losing control over which sites your website appears on.

For the most part, automated link building relies on programmed computer codes to create inbound links to a website to manipulate search engine rankings. If discovered by search engines, the consequences are usually dire, from affecting your search engine rankings to being completely de-indexed from search results.

Conversely, natural link building allows you to control whoever creates your links, select the linking partner you want and choose the keywords that’ll help your website rank.

However, this is a slow and steady process that requires extensive efforts to bring tremendous results. But once it’s done, the advantages are endless; from generating enthusiastic traffic indefinitely to giving you a massive ROI without letup.

Bespoke Content Creation and Promotion Services

content marketing

We still hold on to the belief that content is king, and as a result, we also help our clients create bespoke content for their websites. We boast a team of diverse content writers for different niches, including finance, gambling, cryptocurrency, sports, technology, business, travel, health and more.

Everyone in this group has a proven track record and has undergone rigorous training to meet our internal standards and produce flawless content for our clients. So, expect nothing short of unique and keyword-rich copy from Outreach Bee.

Even if you feel like your keywords are too specific or complex to outsource, we have the resources to meet your expectations and even exceed them. All we need is the niche-specific requirements to help us design a custom outreach campaign that’ll generate relevant links.

Influencer Marketing

Macro Influencers: Why Your Business Needs Them

Our influencer marketing campaigns will put you in a position to collaborate with relevant and authentic micro-influencers capable of promoting your brand to the right audience. In this case, we’ll help you identify the social media channels your target audience predominantly uses to ensure your brand is promoted to the right market.

Blogger Outreach Campaign Management

Blogger Outreach Services

Through manual blogger outreach campaigns, we connect brands with genuine bloggers in their respective industries to help them build compelling backlink profiles and widen their exposure.

To achieve this, we send prospective bloggers personalized messages to ensure we get a positive response and build long-lasting mutual relationships to benefit everyone.

Our Working Process

Here is a breakdown of our working process:

Clarify Campaign Requirements

In many ways, this is the most important step in my campaign management process. Outreach Bee is a results-oriented business, which means my singular goal is to achieve the results you want from each campaign. To do that, I need a clear idea of exactly what you’re hoping to achieve. I’ll work with you to develop ambitious yet attainable campaign goals, and then I’ll lock in on those goals and do my damnedest to reach or outright obliterate them.

At this stage, you’ll be telling us the goals you want to achieve in your campaign, as well as the target country/region and niche/category. If your target region is not on our list, we’ll be happy to create a tailored campaign that fits your strategy.

Sift Through Sites

Between my relationships with high-authority bloggers and my time-tested ability to find the sites most likely to bring you maximum return, I’ll be able to provide you with a solid list of quality sites that will help your campaign succeed.

We’ll start by auditing your competitors, including their linking tactics, so as to create a tailored strategy to help outrank them.

Once we identify your strengths and weaknesses, we’ll use the best SEO tools when auditing prospective bloggers’ websites. In this case, we’ll be using tools like Moz Pro, Semrush, Ahrefs, and Majestic to check critical metrics such as domain authority, spam score, trust flow, domain rating, and citing flow to identify authentic sites that can help you increase organic traffic and generate leads in the long run.

Once the campaign manager has approved the list to ensure the sites meet your requirements, we’ll give it to you so you can choose the blogger you want us to engage.

We’ll then require you to provide us with the target anchor text and URL for each site so we can embark on the content creation process.

Content Creation

Here’s a crucial element of a blogger outreach campaign that’s too often given short shrift. If you cut corners and submit poor-quality content for publication on a site, your relationship with that site is likely to come to a sudden and unsatisfying end – a lose-lose for all involved.

That’s why we work with content creators that have proven their ability to write engaging articles that your prospects are going to want to read. Anything less won’t pass muster here at Outreach Bee. Once completed, I’ll submit the content for your approval.

Get Published

Upon your okay, I’ll submit the content to the site for publication. Then, we wait (the hardest part) for it to actually appear on the site. Once it does, I eagerly examine the metrics coming in fast and furious to determine how effective it is at bringing you that all-important organic traffic.

In most cases, bloggers request to be paid before publishing the content. We are a transparent agency, so we do exactly that and give our client the list of all linking partners alongside their respective rates, so they know how much they’ll be paying for each site.


Once the big splash has come and gone and the numbers are falling off, I put on my analyst hat and take a deep dive into the results in order to create your final campaign report. In doing so, I’ll be looking closely at the performance of each site and determining whether any tweaking is necessary for your next campaign to perform even better than this one.

Our monitoring process is usually continuous. We continue to watch and track the progress of your SEO strategy for ongoing optimization to ensure the results do not diminish so as to improve your ranking.


At Outreach Bee, we offer campaign management services to large and small companies as well as SEO/ PR agencies with bulging client portfolios. Suppose you are an SEO or a PR firm. In this case, we’ll manage all aspects of SEO campaigns for your clients, including blogger outreach, content creation, and promotion, and let you concentrate on other important areas of your business.

In the end, what you get is a detailed white-label report that you can share with your clients. Furthermore, we’ll be available to shed light where need be. All we need from you is to remain available if any questions arise.

When all parties are satisfied—the blogger is paid, and our client has received a detailed report—we’ll create an invoice and await the payment. We’ll then have a chat and determine where you’d like to go from here, whether it’s giving this campaign time to settle or immediately cranking up another outreach effort.

Quality SEO Campaign Management for Brands and PR/SEO Agencies

If you’re a PR or SEO agency, wouldn’t you rather concentrate your efforts on growing your business instead of going through the day-to-day slog of managing your current campaigns? We will become an integral part of your team. I can work directly with your clients and facilitate all aspects of a blogger outreach campaign.I’ll:

  • Perform the blogger outreach;
  • Work out the details with each blogger;
  • Work with the content writers to ensure quality content;
  • Pay the blogger upon publication;
  • Create comprehensive reports for your clients and answer all their questions.

Imagine what you could do to gain more clients if this tedious process were taken completely off your plate.

I’ve been there; that’s why I know that having someone you can count on to manage your campaigns is a game-changer for any agency. Besides, I’ve built Outreach Bee around a core of satisfied clients, and I hope you’ll be among them. Simply contact me to get the ball rolling.

Let’s Begin a Win-Win Relationship