
No matter either you are running a business blog or a blog for earning you are always in need of blog post topics. This is a reality which can not be ignored that most of the writers caught in writer’s block state. This state can come to every single person who is responsible of creating content. Obviously, we are humans and are creating content for humans which always require to be innovative. It is always tough to bring up with the best blog post topics to meet the expectations of your targeted audience. Writer’s block state is very common among the creative writers who have challenged themselves to come up with demanding and helpful topics.

Most of the content writers used to have brainstorm sessions by inviting team members to come up with new ideas. For individual creative writers, it is hard to brainstorm. This may cause anxiety or stress. Let’s see how influencers practice it. They invite friends or family who are kind of consumer or related to the niche. Call them on a cup of tea or coffee or may be on lunch or dinner. Then start conversation taking the product or service and ask as many questions as you can. You will see that the person will share such thoughts which you can curate to a handful of blog post topics. Today, we shall share unveiled ideas of blog post topics for your business or money blog and keep away from writer’s state.

How – to post are always hot!

Everyone is searching on Google for some help or learning or get some solution to a common problem. How – to posts are aimed to write to help your readers in precise way. These types of blog post topics are always needed by the common people. Also, they are good to get your blog post rank quickly in Google search.

how-to posts

The other ideas to write how – to blog post topics that you can keep on the year – long blog post topics are;

  • A step by step guide
  • How not to do something

Interviews and Profiles

Everyone even including us like to have some advice or suggestion from experts. This brings authority to your brand or business. The other benefit of this practice is it help you get viral in short period of time. Make a list of entrepreneurs and influencers along with their expertise. Then schedule to publish their interviews in every quarter or twice in a quarter. These interviews will also help boost your profile and brand.

Interview blog post topics

Ideas for interviews:

  • Interview the niche or industry experts
  • Other blogger’s and influencer’s interview within the niche
  • Vendor’s interview for valuable information
  • Consumer’s interview with positive side of the product and expected enhancements


List type blog post topics

Being a blogger or creative writer, you will love to find, bookmark and follow a nice piece of blog post which list down each step-in creative writing. Same is the case with every single person on this universe. That is why SOP (standard operating procedures) are most famous and valuable working method. Do add list type blog post topics in your year-long blog topic list.

List type blog post topics
List type blog post topics

Ideas for list posts:

  • A list of ___ blog topics
  • A list of books every entrepreneur reads
  • A step-by step checklist of doing ___
  • A list of ___ things you should note to learned at every conference.
  • List of things to improve your skills in _____
  • The list of questions your readers and clients ask most often (with your answers).

Opinions and Trends as blog post topics

By the time, influencer’s opinion is more valuable to their followers. This is equally true to every blogger who writes valuable content for their readers. You should give valuable opinion to your readers and also highlight the latest trends in the niche you are writing.


To bring more value to your opinions you should provide valuable proofs in shape of industry lead graphs, statistics, surveys and polls. You should collect each piece of information to make your words authority.

Ideas for opinion posts:

  • How to clean the ____ to add more years into its warranty?
  • Future of ____ and what trends will emerge it?
  • Why I disagree with ____ (blog or blogger name) talking _____ as misconception?
  • Opinions on the recent industry-related news-story.
  • Discuss on current trends of a product or service in a niche and opinions to get it done in better way.

Recap Post are important for industry and consumers

Being a niche related creative writer you will always be searching new things about the product or service related to the niche. You will also be attending the seminars, trade shows or get together in the industry. Let your audience get to know about your learning through recap blog posts. From this point you can also add more interview ideas we discussed in the beginning.

Ideas for recap articles:

  • Recap Post | how I see at ____ conference
  • Recap of training | What i learnt in the ____ training or seminar
  • Webinar Recap | what new brings to me in _____ webinar?
  • Recap | what I learned from ______ a personal coach or mentor.

Reviews to bring more value

Consumers are eager to use a product or service. May be the looks, packing or bundle offer you are getting to attract more than others. But why someone pay on the looks or packing or bundles? You should add reviews in your blog post topics to include on your business or money blog. Reviews are valuable if are redefining the product from all the consumer aspect.


Ideas for reviews:

  • Best Product reviews
  • Software reviews
  • Books reviews
  • movies reviews
  • Tools and/or resources reviews
  • Reviews direct from consumers

Best of the web collection

How many of you know platforms which help publishers and advertisers at one place? May be none of us or maybe we know as little as 2 or 3. If you write a post with the best of the web collection items in your niche related to one problem just imagine the traffic? Yes, best of the web collection are always well praised by the readers to collect maximum value. You should include best of the web collection into your year-long list of blog topics.Best of the web collection blog post topics

Ideas for best of web posts: 

  • ____ blogs posts to read about _____
  • Top _____ experts who always inspire for _____
  • Top _____ tools/apps/resources you should bookmark for your next project.
  • Follow these ____ influencers to learn ________
  • ______ blog post ideas to help you get out or writer’s block

After having valuable ideas to generate blog post topics you should complain less about writer’s block. The real catch of the blog post is to plan the things prior to start creating them. how have you been getting out of writer’s block?

One thought on “Blog post topics | Ideas to get out of writer’s block state

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