Google news content policy

Google news is an attraction for the medium to expert bloggers around the globe. Everyone wants more traffic from Google. Being a niche blogger, it always takes a long time including hurting from many updates from Google. It is everyone’s dream to rank instantly to get more traffic from Google. But it is least possible having niche blog. Google news is a platform by Google to help journalists to get benefit from the search engine. If your site has been approved from Google, you will see that your content is getting indexed and ranked by the search engine instantly. To get your website approved by Google news you have to follow three main stages of the whole process.

  1. Make sure your site complies with our content policies.
  2. Review technical News index guidelines.
  3. Submit your site for inclusion.

Today, we shall detail all the points related to content policy of the search engine, Google.

It is obvious that the bifold benefit of having website approved by Google is to have more content from the publishers. Having more content means Google having more websites to publish their Ads which is the main business of the company.

Content policies for Google News

The content policy for Google news, in particular, is to ensure  a positive experience for the users. On the other hand, Google news also shows positive gesture with the publishers by sharing their wealth the successful content creators. Before going to get into Google news with your blog or vlog, you need to make sure that your content comprises with these policies of content for Google news.

It is also stated by the search engine that,

“We may make exceptions to these policies based on artistic, educational, historical, documentary, or scientific considerations, or where there are other substantial benefits to the public.”

Always have the original content

Google always appreciate creating independent and original news from the latest events and in unique language. Before going to submit your website to Google news, make sure that all your content is a significant source of fresh and original news. If you assure yourself that you can always create original content then you should check for the next content policy for Google news website.

Be Transparent

It is always important to let people know who have written so and so news as it is important to win the trust and understand the publisher. To make your content created for Google news always provide; dates, , bylines, information about authors, the publication, the publisher, company or network behind it, and contact information.

Ads and sponsored content

Well as most of the bloggers blog for the monetization, same is the case with Google news websites. But during the practice, it is important to note that Google only approve the websites which don’t allow their text to exceed advertising and other paid promotional material. Google news also discourage the content that conceals or misrepresents sponsored content as independent, editorial content. Google news also encourage to clearly disclose to readers all the sponsorship affiliate interest, payment or material support.

Personal and confidential information

Google news is very clear in sharing private and/or confidential information (e.g. medical records or financial information). Double check if your Google news website content is clean from personal and confidential information.

Copyrighted content

If your content is infringing anyone’s intellectual property rights and will respond to clear notices of alleged copyright infringement. If you are not following the rules of even a small website you could be terminated from Google news.

Sexually explicit content

Sexually explicit content is not allowed so avoid it strictly.

Graphic violent content

We do not allow content that incites or glorifies violence. We also do not allow extremely graphic or violent materials for the sake of disgusting others.

Hateful content

We do not allow content that promotes violence or harassment against an individual or group based on ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity.

Medical advice

We do not allow sites primarily aimed at providing medical advice, diagnosis or treatment via this service.

Dangerous and illegal activities

We do not allow content that promotes or facilitates dangerous or illegal activities, including self-harm, such as self mutilation, eating disorders, or drug abuse. We also do not allow content used to threaten or organize violence or support violent organizations.

Harassment and cyberbullying

We do not allow content that sends messages intended to harass, bully, or physically or sexually threaten others.

Deceptive practices

We do not allow sites or accounts that impersonate any person or organization, or that misrepresent or conceal their ownership or primary purpose. We do not allow sites or accounts that engage in inauthentic or coordinated activity that misleads users. This includes, but isn’t limited to, sites or accounts that misrepresent or conceal their country of origin or that direct content at users in another country under false premises. This also includes sites or accounts working together in ways that conceal or misrepresent information about their relationships or editorial independence.

Spam and malware

We do not allow excessive repetitive, duplicate, or unoriginal content, misspellings, grammatical errors, or gimmicky character use. We do not allow links to malware, viruses, or other harmful software. We also do not allow sites engaging in link schemes intended to manipulate a site’s ranking in news results or generate unnatural traffic or any other behavior addressed under our Webmaster guidelines.

If you want to add more about Google news content policy, please use the comments box below.

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