Successful Business Women

There are many successful business women in the digital marketing industry and here are presented just a few to see how they did it, how they struggled with challenges and get away as winners. Every story is special for itself. Read them, you will certainly find an inspiration for your own business success.

Mari Smith

Mari Smith

Facebook Marketing Expert, Social Media Influencer, Speaker, Author

Mari Smith is one of the world’s social media thought leaders. As the excellent online marketer, well-known around the world, she helped many to reach the business growth. Forbes declared Mari for one of the top ten Social Media Influencers.

Its strategic approach, not aggressive and focused, led her to the top. However, her business venture was not easy. To succeed, according to her, is needed hard work and sacrifice, and the most important is to create a personal brand. With 1.5 million followers she is a true example of how it works. Always present at major events, proactively seek influencers and communicate with followers through email and social media.

Alex Hisaka

Alex Hisaka

Head of Global Content Marketing at LinkedIn

She started as a copywriter in advertising and very fast she realized that the true power lays in social media and content marketing. Very soon after that, she created a personal niche. Her success is characterized by its uniqueness and strategic marketing approach. Still, she says, the most important is to love the job you are doing. This is a guarantee that you will be excellent in it. She was named as one of the top 100 social selling influencers, so her voice surely has authority.

Lisa Grimm

Lisa Grimm

Associate Director, Social Media at Whole Foods Market

As the integrated marketing communications leader, she is mainly focused on building relationships of customers with brands, combining technology and communications. She is an expert in digital and social media strategy and community management. She always listened to her sense, her intuition. Sometimes she was wrong and paid consequences and sometimes she won. Even so, she advises everyone that this is the best path to success. “Believe in yourself, explore, let your voice be heard” – is her message to all.

Karen Thomas-Smith

Karen Thomas-Smith

Chief Marketing Officer at Ciox Health

As the inspirational leader, she builds trust, train talent and develops long-term collaborative relationships across the organization. With her help, Optum’s “Game Changer” campaign earned $5 million and win a 2015 Killer Content Award. Her simple advice is to be fearless and thoughtful. In digital marketing everything is allowed and should not be afraid of new things. However, according to her, should not forget the human factor. The message must always make sense.

Amy Lamparske

Amy Lamparske

Social and Digital Marketing Executive for Global 500 and Startups

With an expertise in B2C marketing, she is focused on leveraging data, innovation and creativity that drive business results. Very passionate about her job, always suggests other to be cautious, but to work on itself, to constantly learn, because everything is changing so quickly. “Balance creativity and data” – she advises. Always test the idea, you never know whether it is good, and collaborate with others. Yes, this is her key to success.

You must stand out of the crowd if you want to succeed. Like these business women did. This is the sure path to the success. Tell us your stories. How did you succeed? What is your secret? Do you know more business women that should be mentioned?


Contributor: Gordana Ristic

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