4 marketing mistakes to avoid. How to do marketing like professionals?


Well trying to build a brand and make a product reachable to your expected prospects is the prime goal of every business. What exactly happens when you are not achieving the goals you set for your marketing campaigns? There are many marketing mistakes to avoid getting your marketing campaigns reach to next level. These marketing mistakes might be overlooked or never known to many marketers. Today we shall walk through these mistakes to learn how professionals plan their marketing campaigns. Instead of adopting a hit and trial method, why not think, plan and proceed like professionals to save your time and money and get better ROI by avoiding marketing mistakes.

Marketing Mistake #1: Invest heavily in building product/service before marketing

Marketing Mistakes #1

There are many examples of our clients who came to us to market their product or service. Being small and medium-size companies, they already have spent a lot of money in the development of the product or service that they are not able to spend ample amount for the marketing of the product or service. At this point, many companies disappointed to lose hope.

On the other hand, if a company has funds to run the marketing, they don’t know what to product or service to market which can be the game changer for their business or company.

Tip to avoid marketing mistake #1

Being small and medium business, always come up with few options for the products or services at first. It will be best to choose a product or service you are best at. There will be a three-fold benefit to this approach;

  1. You will be confident and dedicated to serving your expected and upcoming clients.
  2. You will have ample amount of funds to start your marketing and will start sales in short period of time.
  3. Once you start serving your clients, come up with the second product/service you are better at.


Marketing Mistake #2: Marketing to everyone!

Marketing Mistakes #2

In general, this is a very common marketing mistake that you or your agency start marketing your product/service to everyone. Being a small and medium business, you should focus those who matter to your business.

If someone takes my advice to sell products for kids like bassinets and cradles, the targeted audience should be mothers and grannies. If you start marketing these products to females who are not married yet or to the males you are targeting wrongly. There are marketers who start marketing your business to everyone on the globe whilst you are doing business in Quebec, Canada. It never makes sense and is a big marketing mistake. You are wasting your money and efforts by marketing to the wrong audience.

Tip to marketing mistake #2: Go with targeted Audience

Always note down your targeted audience and countries and then stick to that audience. Come to know what they like other than your product, why? You cannot always sell your product. Come up with the options they are most likely to have in their life. Link your content to those options (liking and disliking, etc.).

The benefits to avoid marketing mistake #2 will be;

  1. You and your campaign will be focused and you will see start ROI in short span of time.
  2. By solving a specific problem for your clients, you will be known for your service/product in your niche.
  3. By focusing targeted audience, you will get referral traffic from you happy customers.

Marketing Mistake #3: Focus Branding over customer acquisition

The other common marketing mistake to avoid is to focus branding on customer acquisition. While the focus on marketing your brand will get you less time interact with your customers. If you are not interacting and reaching to your clients with the solutions to their problems you are again wasting your time and money which you cannot afford being small and medium size company.

Tip to avoid marketing mistake #3:

Every professional marketing campaign designed and proceeded to solve the issues their customers have. You name the big names like HubSpot, Walmart, etc. they are targeting the right audience in a specific niche and answer the questions their audience have.

The benefits of avoiding marketing mistake #3 are;

  1. You are interacting your customer to help them solve one or many of their problems.
  2. Get a huge amount of referral traffic which is a Bonus of your marketing efforts.
  3. Make you a brand by your customer instead of focusing only on branding.

Marketing Mistake #4: Focus only on marketing

Well to be very honest, there are clients who come up to spend maximum on marketing without having a less effective product or service. Well, being a marketing company, we don’t have any problem to market an online business like mentioned above. Being a business owner, you should ask what are you selling to your customers? If you haven’t presented a well-researched and well-developed product to your expected customers, you will not be able to remain in the market for long. All your investments in the shape of time and money will be at high risk without a product/service that is not good to satisfy your customers for long.

Tip to avoid marketing mistake #4:

It is better to research competitive products before going to develop your own. The pro tip is to come up with a product/service, which if not compete for the competitor’s product/service, should meet the competitors’ products.

What kind of marketing mistakes have you analyzed in your previous marketing efforts? We love to hear from you to learn from your experience. Please share.