Link building is equally important in internet marketing like in traditional marketing. Being a student of internet marketing, link building process can easily be understood while going the roads, reading magazines or newspapers and watching TV. We move on the roads on a daily basis watching many billboards, especially on the mainstream roadsides. Similar, to roadsides you can see different adds in the new papers and TV, places and time. These are the links of many products to their prospects at the places they are found present. Yes, statistics matter a lot when we think to have an ad at some specific page. In businesses, marketing managers gather and decide to place their ads in traditional marketing.
In internet marketing, link building is the key to get you found. Here marketing managers try to address the common problems of the prospects using content and then spread it to the places where the prospect is searching for some relevant information. Just like an ad for a baby pamper which can be found in magazines and newspapers at the ladies and kids section. Similarly, pamper ad can be decided to run during carton time or fashion and beauty channels. This is only because there is a link between the product and the interest of your prospect. Here in internet marketing search engines determines the quantity and quality of the links produced for a web page or website. The most common practice in link building is to reach the people in your related industry and ask them to link you back. As technology is enhancing its boundaries, today we shall see how automated link building can help your website boom.
Automated Lead generation from LinkedIn
With the 3 million active users of LinkedIn, this social media channel is very important. The most important factor of LinkedIn users which put the channel ahead, the channel has serious users. Make your business existence on LinkedIn which is equally important. Check out Dux-Soup, for an automated lead generation for your business through link building.
Dux-Soup will visit a ton of people’s profiles within your space or a related category. As it visits the relevant profiles, your business will start getting connect requests. Connect with all of them to build your prospects for the future business opportunities. You can use the tool to send mass messages to request a link back. If you are not interested to get links or are not able to have your link building request, you can use the tool to mass message to share your content with their LinkedIn friends. Doing so you will be getting a lot of traffic from LinkedIn and more social share. Doing so you will be able to let more people see your content and more likely generate links.
Automated search for relevant sites for link building
As link building is the most important factor in Search Engine Optimization and you are always after it, use Scrape Box. Scrape Box is an automated tool which will scrape Google to find the relevant sites in your desired niche. Maybe, you are working on Amazon affiliate and trying to promote your content written to help people find the best juicer machine. Scrape Box will find all the websites that talk best juicer machines or health or fitness. Once you have the automated list of all the desired websites you can contact them back for link building opportunities.
Automated contact information details
Once you have the list of all the relevant websites where you can build a link for your website you can automate to find the contact details. Use FindThatLead to find the contact details of all the websites you listed before. As it is a lot laborious to find the contact details for each of the website, it will be a good idea to do the job with automation. Once you get the contact detail you can mass message the contacts to build more links.
Automated bulk email
As you are at the stage to contact the contacts you grabbed from FindThatLead. You should automate the mass messaging to send email to all the contact at once. This will not only save a lot of time of yours but also help you spend more time searching for next opportunities. You should consider Mixmax, Mailshake, MailChimp or ConstantContact to connect with the people to request for link building.
If someone doesn’t respond, simply send a follow-up email and even can schedule if they didn’t respond. To send the communication to next level, simply setup autoresponders in sequence.
We tried to make link building process very simple to help you make more links as well as to get more social shares. This automated link building process will help you get you more traffic to your content and increase the chance to get more leads. How have you been performing the link building process in past?
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