blog traffic

A Blog is a way to interact with the targeted audience in your niche. There are blogs who address multiple niches but the purpose remains the same; interact with your targeted audience. Adding updated content on a set targeted time is a key to send signals to the search engines like Google to let them know, “hey search engine I added some new content to my blog. come and index it to let it appear for the search term or keyword.

There are many cases when you are adding more content but you are not observing that your blog is being delivered to the digital screens of your targeted audience. what do you think of it? Why are you not observing an increase in blog traffic? Why your targeted audience is not reading the content on your blog? What should you do to increase blog traffic?

Do you think you need more content to add to your blog? Or, should you build more links to your blog post? Do you still think doing so you can increase blog traffic? No, you don’t need to do any of them. Let’s have a look how I increased my blog traffic doing 3 simple tricks.

Adjust Title Tag to increase blog traffic

The first step that starts interaction of your post with your targeted audience is the title tag of your post. Go to Google Webmaster Tools, from the left panel, go to Search Traffic and then Search Analytics. There you will find all your blog posts with the detail of Impression and CTRs for the desired previous time period. You will observe that there are blog posts which are earning impressions but the CTR score is very low. Select one post with less than 5% Click through rate and click on it.

Once you click on it you will see the list of keywords for which your post is earning the impressions. Now list all the keywords your post is getting comparatively good. Once you have the details of the ranking keywords, add those keywords into your meta title tag and meta description tag. What do you think what next thing that will happen? As people start seeing the keyword in the Title and Description of your post you will start seeing increased blog traffic. This is as simple as if you are looking for something like “birthday gift” and you most likely to hit the search result which contains your targeted keyword instead of those which don’t.

Google actually observes the clicks a link get in the SERP. if your blog post is not getting more clicks, search engines like Google will push you down to replace the blog posts which are getting more links.

So, the benefit of adjusting meta title tag of your blog post is bifold. You will start getting more clicks and most probably your blog post will be getting high in the search engine result page very soon.

Continuously sharing

No matter how old your blog post is, if you are sharing your blog post over and over again it will keep it evergreen. Maybe you would be asking why should I share a blog post which is about a month old? Or, you may be reluctant to share a blog post which is old even less than a month like a week or 15days old.

Let me ask you, why not to share a blog post on Facebook or Twitter which was published one week or 15 days or a month from today? Did Facebook say not to share a blog post which is older than some specific time? No, then what stops you to reshare a blog post which is older than yesterday?

Sharing is all about caring. Sharing your blog post will increase your blog traffic as may be if someone missed your blog post it is good time to reshare the older post for all those who haven’t had read your blog post.

The better way to reshare an older post is to first refresh the content by simply adjusting the meta title and meta description. Then share it with your targeted audience in a new dimension. Believe me, your reader will consider it as fresh information, though it is, as you adjusted the title and description to give it a new touch. I learnt this trick from Guy Kawasaki.

When we talk about sharing your blog post, it doesn’t mean you start sharing it like 1000 times in a day. Share your blog posts to increase blog traffic of your blog keeping Newton’s 3rd law in mind. If you keep sharing your article on a fix time period on Facebook or Twitter to an audience of about 100,000 the probability is high as every single person who is following you may reach to your blog post some day.

Content Repurposing

The last but not the last step is to repurpose your content to help your readers with the updated information. Repurposing a content to increase blog traffic include two main things; either completely redo your article to convert its focus to let the user find updated content related to their search term or add more content.

In the first type, you need to find a blog post with most impressions and least click through. Repurpose the whole content for some keyword for which the specific blog post is got most impressions. Repurpose the blog post from context to add a new dimension for the search term. Once done, schedule it to share on Facebook and Twitter at a different but regular interval of time.

The other type of repurposing is to create another version of the blog post in different content type. You can make a video or Infographic or a podcast of your blog post to give it a fresh look and increase blog traffic. Once you are done with one or all of above methods, start a schedule to share the updated and repurposed content in all the possible places and keep sharing it on a fixed interval of time.

The ultimate goal of a blog is to get more business. If you are not getting more clicks to your blog, you are not observing an increase in your blog traffic. We shared the 3 best and simple methods to increase your blog traffic without adding more content to your blog. How have you been increasing blog traffic to keep your business up? Please do share the information so we can figure out if we can add it to our blog or not.

One thought on “How to increase blog traffic without adding more content? 3 simple tricks!

  1. Nice blog! Thanks for sharing such a blog.

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