Grow video content marketing Channel

When we name YouTube, it brings many interesting videos we have watched on this social channel. Do you know, as of 2018, there are about 23 million YouTube channels out there according to Social Blade. This is acceptance of the power of YouTube, one of the most power social media channel. It is evident every day that people around the globe are signing up on YouTube to create and grow YouTube channel by uploading videos days out days in.

Being an internet marketer, we cannot ignore the power of video marketing on YouTube as 5 billion videos are being watched on YouTube every day. 1200% more shares are generated by social videos than text and images combined. Which business wouldn’t like to get their share from the above given statistics? So, let’s find out how to grow YouTube channel to achieve the maximum and put our part of success in the success of YouTube.

The YouTube animal kingdom

Before going deep in the hacks to grow YouTube channel let’s have a look at the interesting facts about the YouTube animal kingdom.


Image source: tubic

In the above image, each animal represents a specific growth of the YouTube channel.

  • Dinosaurs – they have more than 1 million subscribers –> anyone at that level is considered a YouTube superstar.
  • Gorillas have more than 100,000 subscribers.
  • Deers feature more than 10,000 subscribers.
  • Foxes are channels with a subscriber count of 1.000 to 10.000
  • Frogs are at the lower end of the animal kingdom and have more than 100 subscribers but less than 1.000.
  • Bugs are channels having between 10 and 99 subscribers.

1# Research for the viable topics to grow YouTube channel

It is the topic of your video being uploaded to your YouTube channel which will attract your audience. The role of topic of your video is just like the title of your web page.

Just to get a better idea of the demanding topics at your YouTube channel is go and get assistance from YouTube analytics. Here at this point create columns of Unique Viewers, Average Percentage Viewed, and Likes for all the videos you have created so far. Once you have collected this data, you have better idea what your audience liked most and what next you need to create.


Obviously, it is very hard especially for a video content creator to generate videos which are always liked or can earn your comments or subscriptions. For a safe side it is always recommended to have the topics of all the videos you can create in a month prior. Try to be consistent in video marketing.

If you are a newbie, you must wait for a while to get this data for your own videos. But if you have blog or some other social media channel, you can get a better idea of what content is liked than other. You can plan to create video content for the topics alike.

2# Optimize Each Video’s Title, Description, and Tags for Search

This is very important to optimize every video you created and uploaded to your YouTube channel. Video content can only be searched through these three variants. Always optimize the Title, description and Tags of your video after a thorough keyword research. This optimization is to align the videos of your YouTube channel with the topics being searched by the viewers. You can use third part tools to get the job done like pro.

3# Create a series of YouTube videos on a single topic

Choose a single topic you want to create a video on for your audience. In the next step define the number of steps involved in each step. Break each step into thorough detail to create a fine piece of single video. Once created all videos in the series, link to the “next” and “previous” videos in your series through the video’s end screen, YouTube cards, and links in the video description.

If you created a detailed video which is actually to benefit your viewers, the next and previous videos will also get views on the base of remaining series.

4# First 60 secs important to grow YouTube channel

First 60 second are always important, always be precise and to the point in these first 60 seconds. You can win or loose within these 60 seconds. You should listen to influencers in your industry or other industries to learn the art of selling within 60 seconds.

First 60 secs are important

5# Never hesitate to remind for channel subscription

There may be many who may hesitate to ask for the subscription of the channel. Why do you hesitate as if influencers don’t? Let’s send a reminder to your audience instead of asking them to subscribe.

Subscribe to YouTube Channel
At the end of every video, remind your viewers to subscribe to your channel for more exciting videos and solutions to your problems. The request for subscription can be in some polite words to remind your audience for subscription will help you grow YouTube channel.

We have discussed in detail as how to grow YouTube channel for any business or entrepreneur. These points are very small in working but the only thing which is important and big is the consistency to grow YouTube channel. How have you been into grow YouTube channel?

One thought on “How to grow YouTube channel through these 5 simple hacks?

  1. Thanks for sharing these useful tips. If you want to grow the youtube channel then start with creating top-notch content. Content should be Unique, fresh and informative for the audience. It should educate and entertain the audience. Make sure that your content is well-organized, and having a proper script can help you by leaps and bounds.

    Increase your reach. YouTube is a fantastic way to attract free subscribers. And often what works on YouTube can also work on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter video. You should also expand your reach by publishing your YouTube videos on different social networks. You should at least have a profile on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to promote your Youtube video.

    Another sure-shot way of growing youtube channel is to collaborate with other YouTube stars. Try to reach out to similar users in your field and ask them out for an opportunity to work together on something interesting. It will be beneficial for you, for your collaborators, and for the audience. By collaborating with others You’ll be able to connect to a new audience, your collaborator will be able to connect to a new audience, and your viewers will love all of this extra value they’re getting.

    Embed your videos in Q&A sites like Reddit, Sharing your content in niche communities, Paid Campaigns, Sponsored your content and outreach to different nich bloggers and ask them to include your videos in their relevant posts are some other strategies that can be used to grow youtube channel.

    Increase your subscribers. The more subscribers you’ll have, the more youtube channel will grow. Gaining subscribers is a time-consuming activity and takes a lot of time to reach your milestone. One of the simplest and easiest ways is to buy subscribers from a reliable source.

    I really enjoyed reading your post. It’s informative, interesting and I have certainly learned a thing or two.

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