Content Writing

Content Writing

As you plan your blogging work, you may be brainstorming about the best strategies to use to succeed. And as it has always been said, there is no shortcut when it comes to success in blogging, you must have some basic strategies for you to get any meaningful traffic to your site, which you can convert into buyers and thus monetize on them.

While there are many things you can do to improve your traffic, the type of content you write plays a leading role. Therefore, reading this article to the end will give you the top tips on the best content writing strategies today. Let’s look at the right procedure that everyone should know when it comes to content writing:

Research your topic well

Whether you are writing for your website or for a client, the first thing you need to think about is the topic research. This is important as it gives you an idea of how Google is interpreting what you want your readers to learn from your site.

The topic research will help you understand what online users are looking for when they browse the internet, and then you can customize the topic to make it easy to find for users.

Also, when doing topic research, you must think about the keyword research. Keywords are the phrases that online users add into the browser when searching for something. In the nutshell, keywords are the phrases that summarize what you are writing about.

Basically, there are two types of keywords; the long tail, and the short tail. Long tail keywords are phrases, generally more than three words. They are the best to use as they allow users to easily get your work and thus easy ranking in Google’s SERP.

Market analysis

It is important to understand the background of your targeted audiences as the content preference may be different according to the age of readers. For example, people aged between 18-35 years may be interested in a content that will not be useful for people aged 35-50 years.

The kind of vocabulary you use, the platform you publish your content, and many other things will have an influence on the kind of traffic you will get. To target the right audience and succeed with your content work, you must understand and respond the problems your readers are facing. This will enable you to tailor the content to fit their needs, and thus attract them to your site.

One great source of information regarding your targeted audience is autocompleting suggestions. Here, you will get to know what real people are looking for, the problems they try to resolve, and many other indicators. There are many content analysis strategies  that can help you in this matter.

Learn from your competitors

If you do not have the resources to invest in the advanced research tools that give you detailed data on the kind of keywords to use when writing, you can learn what your competitors are doing. This could be an easiest and quick way to know how to write good content for your target audience.

Take the time to analyze their web pages and try to find out what makes them easy to rank in SERPs. With competitor analysis, you will also be able to find semantics that can be used as keywords for your work as well. Picking a keyword used by a competitor, then using the LSI graph can be of great help to generate semantic keywords which Google will rank fast.

Write fresh content

One of the most common mistakes new writers do is copy-pasting content from other websites. This is usually because writing new content from scratch can be tedious, tiresome, and time-consuming and sometimes expensive.

However, when you look at the benefits of writing original content for your site, you will appreciate the tedious work. Studies have shown that it is hard to find anything new on the internet these days, except for the news, which could be also duplicated. Doing an in-depth research about the needs of your target audience, then writing quality and original content for them is a worthy investment.

Unlike long ago when the duplicate content was entertained by Google, these days your site will be severely punished by the google bots if you post duplicate content. Your web pages will be downgraded and might take a very long time before they get anywhere close to the first page again.

To build trust among your followers, and keep them coming back to your blog and get referrals, you need add fresh content.

Optimize your content to earn a featured snippet

A featured snippet is what is shown right below the number of results when your search term is found. This is a great way to monopolize the first page, as many of the readers will tend to click on it and ignore any other pages.

The purpose of the featured snippet is to provide readers with the information they are looking for without having to click on any heading.

As a writer, you need to know how to organize your content to earn the featured snippet as this is the surest way to triple your traffic in a fortnight.

Please note, getting a featured snippet is not an easy task. The first thing you need to do is ensure you are on the first page of SERP. Usually, Google picks among the top 10 to award a featured snippet.

If you are on the first page, you can do the following to earn the featured snippet:

  • Target question-based keywords and provide structured answers
  • Use header tags correctly
  • Keep improving your snippet


In conclusion, content writing can be an easy task if you have the right strategies. But failure to adhere to the rules and strategies for a successful writing can be a costly affair, as all your energy and investments could not get you the desired results. Content writing is just as important as content marketing, thus both need to be taken with lots of seriousness.


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