Why you should ghostwrite Social and Digital Media Content

As you know, the Internet is a globalized environment where entry barriers had vanished and savvy consumers can choose from a large range of options. You can buy clothes from a UK online store or even become an engaged customer of any foreign business that fulfill your needs and wants.

In the Digital Marketing era companies and brands do not only compete with the marketing mix, innovative business strategies or new business models. These strategies and ideas are useless if businesses and brands don’t promote them and people do not discover them.

Moreover, it would not be an exaggeration to say that we are in the Marketing of Marketing stage! That is, we are seeing how brands and companies do not only compete to sell their products or services.

They also compete to promote and amplify their marketing strategies in order to gain the maximum reach, visibility, impact and, of course, customers engagement.

Far from being a threat in your SWOT, this content noise and its correspondent marketing noise is an opportunity. The fact of doing marketing doesn’t mean that they do it well.

According to the 2021 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, elaborated by Social Media Examiner, marketers have 5 questions about Social Media:

  • What social tactics are most effective?
  • What are the best ways to engage my audience with social media?
  • How do I measure the return on my social media marketing?
  • How do I find my target audience with social media?
  • What are the best social management tools?

This means that if you have the answer for these questions, you can stand out from your competitors.


Stand out from your competitors


At Hubspot they found that the more blog posts companies published per month, the more traffic they saw on their website.

Companies that published 16+ blog posts per month got almost 3.5X more traffic than companies that published between 0 – 4 monthly posts.


Blog posts Inbound Marketing

Although creating Digital Content in a consistent basis and promoting and amplifying it on Social Media doesn’t require a huge monetary investment, it requires time and work investment and most of businesses and brands don’t have the time or the team.

And digital content includes blog posts, downloadable content like eBooks and Whitepapers, videos, presentations and also creating specific content for social networks.

Not all companies or brands can compete so this lack of time is a disadvantage and hiring a good and digitally savvy ghostwriter is worth every dollar spent.

The predictions in the “2017 Digital Marketing Predictions from the Experts” guide created by Simply Measuredhighlights ghostwriting: “More and more brands in 2017 will set their sights on hiring and cultivating more hybrid content/social marketers.”

7 Advantages of ghostwriting Social and Digital Media Content

Since we are talking about effective social and digital content, not all ghostwriters have the same skills. You cannot hire a ghostwriter who is specialized in writing novels or magazine articles.

1. Really good ghostwriters tie business goals with buyer’s journey stages providing compelling and valuable content for each stage.

Also, they tie business or brand personality with content, selecting the most appropriate and effective topics for blog posts that matter to your target audience.

2. They know how important digital content is and they stay on top of new consumption trends, digital marketing strategies and tactics, digital marketing and social marketing trends and predictions.

3. They are on the cutting edge of new content formats and ideas.

4. Many ghostwriters have their own blogs. And while really good ghostwriters don’t talk about their works, they are often thought leaders, and know how to share wisely what they have created without saying that they are behind.

Since they have gained credibility, their recommendations can amplify your digital content success.

5. They are aware of all aspects that make social and digital media content relevant and pertinent. The right content for the right people at the right time is essential, especially on social networks.

6. Really good Social and Digital ghostwriters are multidisciplinary. They know about SEO, Content Marketing and Social Media Marketing. They have worked in these areas and, therefore, they have experience so, they have the answers to marketers’ questions about Social Media.

7. Good ghostwriters don’t just do the work. They do a great work. They usually get involved in every project and their customers’ success is their success, becoming a link in the value chain.

As you may have noticed I emphasize Really good ghostwriter because anyone can write and there are thousands of so called expert freelance writers or ghostwriters who probably may not know how digital and social marketing work.

So, make sure you choose a really good ghostwriter before taking a bad decision that can damage your brand or business reputation… or you may not have any ROI, at best.

Think about it: Ghostwriting Social and Digital Media content you not only save time and effort, but you also have a valuable digital (and even business) asset that can be your best investment.

One thought on “Why You Should Ghostwriting Social and Digital Media Content

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