5 tips for blogger outreach from a blogger

We all have heard about blogger outreach many times. And there are a lot of companies and brands who are making campaigns of blogger outreach a part of their marketing strategies. Though we all are seeking tips for blogger outreach, in general, this is a process in which relationships are built with qualified and influential bloggers. In a nutshell, bloggers are asked to write on a specific service, product, or experience by providing incitement to them and their readers. Then, within the network, their goal will be to receive a call to action or brand recognition.

If blogger outreach is done in the correct method for your brand, it will be very cost-effective and give very good results. Creating and designing a good outreach campaign for blogging requires a lot of research and time. Bloggers present themselves with a term of citizen journalists, and they are the finest in their field. They expect respect from others as they have spent their money, talent, and time building a reputation in front of their followers. We can say that blogging is a way of life, not just a hobby. Below are some tips for blogger outreach from the perspective of a blogger that you can use:

1.   Always be prepared

When you know the outreach that best matches your searching for blogging, searching on the internet will not be difficult for you. But when you don’t even know about your brands’ requirements, it’ll be nothing but just a wastage of your important time. Therefore, you should take a moment and answer the following questions before you initiate to start pitchers on blog posts:

  1. First of all, think about the audience which your brand needs? For example, are you looking for female bloggers or mothers and fathers who are experts for reviewing the toys or related products for their children by staying at home? Your search will be easier for you when you are clear about your intended audience.
  2. What will my brand provide a real benefit to influencer and their viewers? First, you have to make sure that you understand all the perks of your brand that you are about to provide to influencers and their audiences. Then, it’ll be better when you can form more win-win collaboration.
  • What is the main task that my brand wants from bloggers? In a week, bloggers or influencers receive many pitches, and if I talk about the best bloggers, they get many collaboration requests in a day. When bloggers consider collaborating with you, your intentions and requirements should be clear about what you expect bloggers to do for your brands. Would you like them to do a product review, participate in events and meetings or test a facility? And make sure to specify that how you want to share posts and information about your brand from bloggers? Would you like to include social media remarks on Twitter and Facebook? At an event, live tweets can be considered. Provide as many key points as you can.

2.   Research well

The companies turn down bloggers again and again from their PR packages as they send out mass emails of pitches when they are only hiring a few. So if you want to build rapport with the bloggers you work with, and I suggest you do (word spreads fast in the blogosphere), do your research! Find out the following.

  1. The contact preferences of bloggers like the phone, contact form, email, etc.
  2. First name of a blogger. If you cannot find the blogger’s first name of the blogger, then go for the pseudo name.
  • Topics about which the bloggers write and can not be emphasized enough. For instance, if you want blogs on fashion, it is obvious that you should not send a pitch to someone who writes about programming. Similarly, if you want blogs written on baby products by moms, you should find bloggers who have a baby. In short, make sure the bloggers you are sending a pitch to are relevant to your topic.
  1. Strong Points of a Blogger – Different bloggers are strong in different areas, such as some are good at making videos, some are good at hosting, and some are brilliant at just writing blogs or making a good reach on social media. So you can customize your messages based on their strengths. You can have a look at their media kit and about me page to get info about them. It is the perfect way to get the information that you will need to pinch them. And then you will come to know that there is not any blogger who is similar to the other.

3.   Build linking with other bloggers

For bloggers’ outreach, the first thing which came to mind is to develop connections with bloggers. So many people choose those bloggers they know or prefer those passionate about their work and learn how to do it. You can find out your intended bloggers on social media platforms like Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter when they live on these platforms. After then follow them on these platforms, like their posts, try to interact with them, and learn about them as much as you can. After this, you won’t act like a stranger in front of them while talking or collaborating when you approach them like this.

4.   Construct a Unique Message

Try to personalize your message for each individual as much as you can, however, if it’s just calling them by their first name or mentioning their blog’s name in a single line or why you believe them a nice choice for your brand. Make sure to respond to as many questions much as possible. Give all the information that bloggers require to engage and proceed with your brand.

Including contact details will help them to reach you from they can contact you for their questions, any additional information, pictures, or important notification.  It will help them to engage with you further and do their jobs easily. You’ll be able to find a good squad of bloggers who wants to collaborate with you by providing honest, additional, brief, and simplistic information to them.

5.   Keep Tracking and Stay in Touch

It is very important to stay on track and keep in touch with other influencers. Some important points for doing this are below:

  1. After sending out your pitch, it is important that you wait for the blogger to read your message and respond to it. You can send a follow-up message if you don’t get any reply. It is possible that they just forgot about your message or are not even interested in it, but to know that you have to ask.
  2. After reading your message, when a blogger starts asking questions, you must answer them in complete detail. It shows their interest in the project.
  • You should always provide a blogger the things you have promised them, starting if a promise was made about sending them a product for them to review. So you shouldn’t delay in send them the product. There are many ways to perform and keep an eye on your blogger outreach. You can either do it all by yourself or use a tool specially made for managing blogger outreach, for example, Grouphigh or Blogdash. Some of these tools even have free options but for a limited time. Nowadays, blogger outreach has significant importance. People trust a third person’s opinion about a product than believing what the company is advertising in today’s world. It makes bloggers an important partner for the success of a product. So it would be best if you treated them in the right way. You will never know they can be your best brand ambassadors or can become your best customer.

Importance of blogger outreach in SEOs

After knowing the tips for blogger outreach, it is essential to know why blogger outreach is the best way to do SEO. In the case of SEO, Google has shown eminence evolution. Through the last couple of years, they have made a lot of changes to their algorithms, which proves that SEO has changed a lot during the last few years. The importance of quality backlinks has increased now, so there is no need for old SEO tactics as they will not work now. Everyone has to built quality backlinks using natural methods. You will get natural contextual links if you enable blogger outreach. These links appear naturally and also increases relevancy. With the help of influencers and high-quality blogs, you can get quality social signals or SEO backlinks by reaching out to real people through blogger outreach.


The blogger outreach is important these days to reach potential customers and the audience. The above tips for blogger outreach will help you get great results in the market in which you are involved. But you should have a proper strategy and proper research on the market you want to enter. After that, construct a report with your customer with whom you want to work for the long term.

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