A Guide To Craft New-Age E-Commerce Website

E-Commerce Website

It wouldn’t be wrong to say that e-commerce business has become an inextricable part of our modern lives. Logging into the account, navigating through the defined category, purchasing the product, and making payment- this is the process we all follow. Taking a walk through the countless products was a tough job for e-commerce giants like Flipkart and Amazon. Today, they are well-known e-commerce websites operating on a huge scale nationwide and worldwide respectively.

In this ever-evolving digital era, the world is evolving at pace in every sector. Many businesses have embarked on their digital journey for a better future in the industry. Some multiple creative business ideas with a channelized approach, and an apt backup plan, can help you conceive a fantastic e-commerce website. Even new entrants in the industry now also find it easier to claim a spot because of the smoothness provided by the e-commerce website.

But, commencing an e-commerce business is the crux of the matter. Setting up an e-commerce business not only revolves around generating profits by making sales but depends on having the right knowledge about it. You require giving it an accurate name, relevant content with details, and final availability to buyers. So, to make your e-commerce journey facile, here’s a check-list of some e-commerce website design that will help to conceive the right website (and be your own boss).

Basic Factors for E-commerce Website Design

Developing an affordable e-commerce website design requires the following:

  • A Unique Appearance

There are umpteen e-commerce website templates to choose from. Hence, you should choose the one that compliments your brand services or is related to the products available. Right from its color scheme, content, and UI- everything should be resplendent and customer friendly. If the e-commerce web design is complex, you’re all set to lose a lot of customers, revenue, and Google rankings.

  • Target Identified- Design the Website

Identifying the target audience is a tough nut to crack. Understanding their requirements, facts that tick them, and the benefits they want to acquire should be your key points to set the demographic goals. This will bring you closer to the target. After acquiring the data, you should design the website appropriately. It will surely ooze out the profitable juice for you!

  • User-friendly Website

Considering the previous point, you’d probably craft a nice website. Its appearance, content, and imagery- everything would be appealing. But, it should be user-friendly as well. Any webpage should not slick while loading else the impression will go below the turf. Hence, organize everything uniformly by categorizing products. This will increase the convenience for the website visitor while navigating through it.

  • SSL Security Shield

Imagine what would you feel like while you’re making an online payment and the webpage freezes? Your heart will skip a beat or two, right. Usually, websites prefer third-party payment gateways and they’re non-secure. There are chances that a customer would not return the next time! To keep the hassle at bay, every e-commerce web design company secures the website by acquiring the SSL security. It protects the payment gateway by debarring cyber threats. Moreover, the details of e-wallet or debit/credit card remain safe on the cloud server.

The above-mentioned were the prime factors for carving the right frame of the e-commerce website design. When they’re injected, the foundation of e-commerce web design becomes sturdy and safe. Other inclusions like concise product description, minimalism, easy search option, and CTA buttons shouldn’t be ignored as well. So, everything you scrolled past was the basics. When the base is strong, it can carry the heaviest load effortlessly. Now, we’ll proceed to level 2. Keep reading, the stuff ahead would be riveting!

#1. What’d You Call It?

Naming the e-commerce website is like naming your baby or pet. However, you’d be naming the domain and it should be unique because that’ll be permanent. Hence, coming up with an idea recklessly wouldn’t be a smart job. There are certain points that should be considered while deciding the name of the domain you’re choosing.

  • Domain name should be crisp
  • Uniqueness is an essentiality
  • It should be legal

Considering these points is a must. At times, some domain names can get restricted owing to different reasons that will surely harm your investments. Thus, always choose the domain name that helps the brand to burgeon.

#2. Platform Selection: The Checklist

Seeking e-commerce website solutions, before choosing the platform for the website, always bears the sweet fruit. Although it is the catch 22 but can become a cakewalk by considering the following bullets:

  • Security is Prominent- Security is always essential from all angles. Hence, it is a must to choose a platform that promises optimal security to the website.
  • Additional Backend Features- Since you’d be spending a lot of time polishing the backend so that the frontend appears perfect, always rope in the platform with additional features.
  • Capability to Compete- To select the right platform that can compete in the market, always turn to your competitors. Keep an eye on what kind of platforms they’re using. Assess the good and bad of the platform before making the final acceptance.
  • Don’t Go Beyond the Budget- Everyone has pocket restraints. Getting the e-commerce website designed includes a lot of expenditure. It is suggested not to exceed the budget unnecessarily.
  • Select Wisely- Always choose a platform that serves as an apprentice to your products. If things mismatch, it won’t fetch any benefit to you.

#3. Sell it Out!

After the above-listed things are implemented, it’s time to execute all marketing strategies that will boost your sales. Companies offering e-commerce website solutions feed the website with all factors stated above and execute the right marketing strategies for establishing in the market. With a strong SEO game, your e-commerce website will earn the right rankings on Google. Besides, you can sell the products via social media platforms as well. By making the best use of a YouTube channel, Instagram account, Facebook page, Twitter handle, Reddit account, Pinterest account etc., you can spin revenue conveniently.

Summarizing Everything

The key points that should be included in the summary include the basics of designing the e-commerce website. It is essential to follow the existing web designing trends to bring out an exponential website. Furthermore, key factors like the domain name selection, platform selection & its features play an important role in conceiving a supreme e-commerce website. With this write-up, you’ve got everything on fingertips. So, get your hands on these strategies for the perfect new-age e-commerce website design.        



About Author: Ankit Gupta is a self-taught digital marketing professional who loves to decode the industry’s jargons for the people entering the vast world of web. Apart from being an avid writer and sharing his thoughtful insights, he passionately follows the top web and digital marketing gurus to expand his knowledge base. He has strategized many successful digital marketing campaigns for WeblinkIndia.Net, a leading web development & designing company in India.