7 must include platforms for the blog promotion to earn quality traffic

7 must have platforms for blog promotion

The first thing that comes to our mind is social media when it’s about blog promotion. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc will be our first priority for blog promotion. There are a lot influencer who have shared the case studies how they generate traffic using LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc. The simplicity of using social media for blog promotion, one can easily share the content with their followers, friends and contacts.
The second successful and proven method in blog promotion is through email marketing. Email marketing can earn you a handsome amount of traffic.

Search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. are always a cool source of traffic to you blog.

You can also promote blog through advertising on different places like search engines and social media channels. But maybe you would like to earn likes, shares and comments other than to pay extra $$ on social media channels.
Let’s see how you can earn free traffic through blog promotion on some free platforms. These platforms are really free and need a little expertise to get you results.


Quora for blog promotion

Quora offer you multiple ways of blog promotion to generate traffic. The first thing that you can avail at Quora is content syndication. Content syndication is still popular and accepted by the search engines.

The other way for blog promotion is to leave a link of your blog post in the central question – answer section in the Quora. This central question – answer part in Quora is used to answer the questions on Quora. Be precise and always leave an in-depth answer to the question you choose. If your answer is helpful you will earn good reputation. If you are able to earn thumbs up on your answer in question – answer section, your answer will be appeared on top from other answers. Avoid to over promoting as it may hurt your profile.


bloglovin for blog promotion

The beauty of Bloglovin is that you don’t need to follow people instead you follow the blogs. Bloglovin will arrange your favorite blogs for you for future reference. Next time whenever a new post is published on the blogs included in your favorite list, you will be notified by Bloglovin. You can find and follow new blogs by topic either.

By default, Bloglovin offers a follow option on your blog too. This will help you build following and grow traffic to you blog. In-fact, Bloglovin is a community, networking and interacting platform for the bloggers. You will be earning good following through blog promotion and help you known widely.


mix for blog promotion

Mix is kind of content discovery platform just like StumbleUpon. After signup, you will be asked to choose at least three categories of your choice. Then you will be asked to follow your following from Twitter who is already on the platform. This way you can build an audience from the people who already know you from Twitter. There are three options to reach to the content in Mix; For you, Following, Popular.
‘For You’ option will show you the fresh content selected from your picked categories. In ‘Following’ option you can see the content added or shared by your following on Mix. In ‘Popular’ option, you will find the most popular content on the platform.

To add your content for blog promotions simple add the plug-in into your browser or paste the link in the given cell and press post. Your blog post will be published on the channel. At first, it will be appeared to your followers to let them share the content to earn you traffic.


flipboard for blog promotion

Flipboard is another interesting tool to let you follow your favorite blogs. The tool is ahead of other alike tools by offering you create a magazine. You will be free to name the magazine. Further, add your favorite blogs into your magazine. The should be clear and reflect all about your magazine’s theme.

Simple add blog posts from your blog into your magazine to earn traffic and have better blog promotion.


Slideshare for blog promotion

The popularity of Slideshare is kind of shady but the truth is unturned. Even today, prospects like to learn about their problems in simple ways. If you can invest time and efforts to create better presentations taking your specific blog posts, you can do better blog promotion on the platform.

You should first invest a day or two to learn on how to earn traffic from Slideshare. The part where you learn how to strategically place links in your slides will also be very helpful for the proper blog promotion.


reddit for blog promotion

There may be few how knows the power of the front door of the internet – Reddit. It is a true platform of news aggregation and has the power to drive huge amount of traffic.

When it’s about Reddit, you need to invest time on Reddit to build your credibility to better utilize the power of the platform. On contrary, you will be banned even without notice.

Being internet marketer, you need to be active on Reddit. Participate in discussions, up-vote, share and comment on other peoples submissions. Subreddit is a dedicated forum within Reddit which is covering a specific topic. Always be careful in selecting and utilizing subreddits.


Medium for blog promotion

Medium is another interesting platform for the blog promotion. If you connect on Medium from one of your social medium account, your followers will automatically follow you. This will again be a great way to let more audience see your shared content instantly. You can further follow other people too to build more audience for more eyeballs to your content.

Medium is also great platform to syndicate your content. You can simply share your original content on the Medium by sharing the information of where it was published first. You should also create fresh content for Medium.

I am sure you will be using many platforms for the blog promotion but are not widely used. If you are not using the platform under some strategy you will not be able to unleash the true power of these platforms. Always invest time and efforts to learn the true power before going for blog promotion on these platforms or many others. I am pretty sure many of us will not be fully aware of the power of the platforms like Facebook groups for bloggers or Twitter chats. Please do share what secret platform you using to promote your blogs to let us learn and explore more power of them.