Why Small Businesses Should Do Blog Posts

If you are a small business owner and you’re still not blogging in this day and age, you’re doing something wrong. In fact, you are missing out on all the opportunities to help your business grow. Keep on reading as this post will help you understand why small business should do blog posts and what benefits come with blogging.

Here are the top 8 reasons why you should use blogging as a marketing tactic, a very successful one if done right.

1- Blogging will help gain traffic to your website

That’s right, by blogging you will be helping drive traffic to your site and that is one of the main goals of your online business, isn’t it? A regular website has only a handful of pages and those pages aren’t updated that often, or at all. Here is where blogging comes to the rescue. Every new blog post will act as a new page to your website which also means more opportunities for your site to show up in search engines and drive traffic to you in an organic way.

2- Blogging will help you improve your social media presence

Nowadays, social media can make or break a brand so it’s important that you build a strong presence. By blogging you will have new original content to share on all the popular social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Pinterest. This will not only strengthen your online presence but will also gain new visitors to your website.

3- Blogging is a SEO opportunity

Wouldn’t it be a shame to miss out on it? People search online for a lot of things, including some that are related to what your small business has to offer. By writing blog posts that target certain keywords or keyword phrases you will help your blog to rank well and in a short amount of time for those specific keywords. Search engines are original content-friendly and soon you will be rewarded for your work with some new visitors.

4- Blogging often translates into sales

Let’s be realistic: not every blog post will get you sales, but chances are that more often than not, blogging will translate into sales. In fact, according to research 60% of small businesses who blog get more customers. This is because blogging can relate to potential customers on a more personal level and it doesn’t feel and look like you’re only trying to sell them a product. Even though that is your final goal.

5- Blogging is free PR

By writing blog posts for your website, you will also be creating content for social media campaigns, communicating your mission, offering promotional material, and establishing a strong position in your niche.

6- Blogging is a direct way to engage with your customers

Blogs are a great way to humanize your brand, give your business a voice and connect with your audience. You will be able to find out their thoughts and needs and how to better meet them. Plus, you will be offering them great content to keep them engaged and coming back to your website.

7- Blogging will help you share your expertise and become a leader

This is a great way to establish yourself as an expert and leader in the area you are activating in. Visitors will count on you for news about your industry, advice, promotional material and more.

8- Blogging offers long-term results

This means that you will be benefiting from a blog posts for days, months and years. Once published, a post will continue to generate traffic and leads in the future.

There really are no reasons why you shouldn’t be blogging for your small business. Even if you are worried about needing to invest in a designer, there are free solutions such as WordPress or Hubspot. Setting up a blog is easy and cost-free (of course, you can invest in a designer if you can afford it). So, wait no more and start blogging and expanding your online presence.

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2 thoughts on “8 Reasons Why Small Businesses Should Do Blog Posts

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    1. Ana Maria De La Cruz

      Thank you for your comment Deborah 🙂

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